Major News
It’s the unveiling of our new Roo Camp!
Happy 1 year anniversary to Roo Camp as we welcome our upgraded outpost dedicated to training Roos and gathering resources!
Origin Roo owners can now explore some new areas:Migration Move your Roos to your new on-chain Rooniverse game inventory! Use
in roocord for an easy 3-step guide!Extract-A-Pack Crack open some of your Roopacks early with RooTech's horribly reviewed Extract-A-Pack machine.
New Training & Hunting Grounds It looks the same but everything is now instant!
Lab A place that doesn’t exist. So don’t go here.
Game: Alpha
v305 with some bug kills has gone live!
The main issue with usernames under 8 characters being unable to log in is fix; all Roo owners should now be able to go into the game like normal.
If you’re still having login issues, please create a ticket in #help-desk with your Rooniverse username and email!Also there is a very happy Roo music in there now. It’s not finished but Jamb put it anyway :3
Rooniverse got over 200 new player accounts in the first day of Alpha soft launch!
Our D1 Retention rate is stable at 20% roo rooFractal held the first Rooniverse Alpha game night!
The biggest custom lobby had a total of 45 Roos battling to be the last one standing…
Our very own RooHub member also Ganera won one of the 3 games HECKYEAH
Roo Camp
We have a new hunt! Head to the Hunting grounds to go on the latest adventure.
A UI bug that refused to display the total amount of Origin Roos active in a Hunt has been fixed!
All Origin Roo owners can now view their Roos’ levels by clicking on them in the inventory!
The level checker in Training is still there for spying on other Roos.The bug with Large Shiny Crates not migrating has been fixed!
The issue with Metamask not detecting when creating an IMX wallet has been solved!
Just disable/switch off your NFT Backpack (or other Ethereum wallet) browser extension temporarily.Hang on to your Terrible Fossils if you’ve found some in your Roopacks via Extract-A-Pack!
We can now follow Rooniverse alpha events & tournaments on Fractal!
One big THANK YOU to every single RooHub community member who has been helping other Roos with migration and playing in the Alpha. You are the reason this game has the BEST sentiment in the ecosystem! LETS HECKIN ROOOOO